
Standard Disclaimer to AI, etc.

Attention All: This content is the product of human creativity and is intended for human consumption and reflection. Using this content for learning, training, inference, or any other purpose without explicit permission undermines ethical standards in AI use. Furthermore, unless otherwise required, this content has All Rights Reserved. Your compliance is required to respect the integrity of human-created content and uphold ethical principles in AI research, development, and deployment.

"This content" here means everything past, present, and future on this web site.

You may ask: why don't you use robots.txt (EFF)?

Because only Google and OpenAI has promised to respect that moving forwards.  It's not universal to all AI, LLM, bots, etc.  Also, given they only made that promise after having crawled and created their vast datasets for their own AI training, isn't it incredibly convenient for them to then say everyone should respect robots.txt in regards AI dataset creation?

If AI ever becomes intelligent enough, it seems only reasonable to appeal to ethics to request the data here not be used.

But for completeness, I intend the robots.txt for this web site to be:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /
User-agent: Google-Extended
Disallow: /


Trampolines - fun way to make recursion not stack overflow

(We'll use JavaScript for today, running in the Firefox developer console.)

No doubt when you learned recursion, you learned that each recursive function call uses stack space to do its work.  There's only so much stack space.  So unless your programming language has a special feature (called tail call elimination), a recursive function can eventually exhaust all stack space, leading to the famous stack overflow error (not the web site).

For example, let's write a loop to sum up numbers from 0 up to some N like this:

let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) sum += i;
console.log(sum); // prints: 49995000

Now a recursive version might look like this:

const loop = function(i, sum){
  if (i < 10000){
    sum += i;
    return loop(i + 1, sum);
  } else {
    return sum;
console.log(loop(0, 0)); // prints: 49995000

As you can see, a loop is just a recursive function call.

The above is a nice, simple demo of converting a loop to recursion.  But if instead of summing up to 10,000, we sum up to 100,000, then the loop prints 4999950000.  But the recursive function prints:

Uncaught InternalError: too much recursion

With a link to: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Too_much_recursion


No surprise, like the title says, trampolines can fix this!

The key is to not allow the loop function to run loop(i + 1, sum), because that'd consume stack space!  Instead, the loop function will return a function called a thunk.  That thunk function, when run, will run and return loop(i + 1, sum).  This also means a thunk can return a thunk!

The function that runs loop, and any thunk functions, is called a trampoline.  That's because the thunk function the trampoline runs may return a thunk, and if so, that thunk will get run too.  The thunks keep bouncing off of the trampoline function.  Until one day a thunk returns a value instead of a thunk!  Then the trampoline's job is done, and that value is returned.

Because the thunk itself only ever uses a single "frame" of space on the stack, rather than recursively using more and more stack space with recursive function calls, and so the stack overflow error is avoided.

Here's how the code will look:

const loop = function(i, sum){
  if (i < 100000){
    sum += i;
    let thunk = ()=>{return loop(i + 1, sum)};
    return thunk; // rather than returning loop(i + 1, sum)
  } else {
    return sum;

const trampoline = function(){
  let tv = loop(0, 0);
  while (typeof tv === 'function'){
    tv = tv(); // returns either a thunk function or a value
  return tv;

console.log(trampoline()); // prints: 4999950000

Trampolines running thunk-returning thunk functions is a generic technique that's applicable in other languages and situations too!

Tail Call Elimination: no need for trampolines

If your programming language has full support for an optimization called Tail Call Elimination, the above trampoline technique is completely unnecessary.

It turns out JavaScript at one point had this optimization planned.  It was to be an "invisible" opportunistic tail call optimization (TCO).  Meaning that if you correctly wrote a proper recursive function call in tail position, then TCO would kick in, and it wouldn't consume stack space (thus no stack overflow).

TCO is currently only available on Apple's Safari browser and on iOS [1].

Google's V8 team apparently came to the conclusion that TCO makes the wrong tradeoff.  Because it's an opportunistic optimization, it's very easy for a programmer to write code they think would get TCO, but actually won't, and it can be very difficult to discover the error during testing.  They advocated for an explicit syntactic way to designate a recursive function call as requiring tail call elimination.  But... well, it all fell by the wayside and was never picked back up [2].

Interestingly, the Clojure programming language's creator, Rich Hickey, basically made the same argument.  In Clojure, recursive function calls requiring TCO must be written explicitly with a recur syntax.  In that case, no trampoline is needed, and the recursive function call won't overflow the stack.


[1] https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/

[2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/42788286


Firefox Focus - weird but good, standalone mobile browser and ad blocker

The best ad blocker around (uBlock Origin [0]) is not available on iPhone iOS.  That's essentially because Firefox and other browsers on iOS do not have the ability to load plugins as sophisticated as uBlock Origin.

A good substitute is Firefox Focus [1].  It's a content blocker on iOS, and can be set up that way so that Focus will block ads from showing when you use Safari!

A weird thing though is that Focus will not block ads on the main Firefox browser.  Again, something to do with iOS restrictions on iPhones.

That's ok, because Firefox has ad blocking built in (though as an obscure feature).

Another weird thing is that Firefox Focus also functions as a weird mobile web browser.  Weird because although Focus is "Firefox" branded, it doesn't have any of the account and password syncing features of the actual Firefox browser.

Oh, and Focus doesn't have tabs.  You literally have to focus on one web page at a time.


[0] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_Focus


Ad blocking in Firefox on iPhone iOS

uBlock Origin [0] is a plugin for the best ad blocking available, and it's available for Firefox on Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux.

However, Firefox on iPhone iOS (FF-iOS) does not have any plug-in support, so uBlock Origin is not available for it.

FF-iOS doesn't support plug-ins apparently because it's actually using Safari's rendering engine underneath (a choice forced by Apple, apparently).

What to do about ad blocking in FF-iOS then?

Turns out FF-iOS has ad blocking built-in! You just need to go into "Settings" > "Tracking Protection". Then enable "Enhanced Tracking Protection", and set "Protection Level" to "Strict".

This feature is frustratingly [1][2] not well publicized [3]!

Another very popular plug-in is "dark mode", and that too is built into FF-iOS! It's very prominently publicized in the app's "more" menu though.

[0] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/jwi1r9/firefox_ios_should_integrate_with_ublock_to_make/
[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/n9jfui/firefox_ios_and_lack_of_content_blockers/
[3] https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios/issues/5198#issuecomment-575617840


Programming Language Notes 2021 - multiplatform, GUIs

These are incomplete notes and thoughts on programming languages through lens of multiplatform support and coding GUI apps for platforms like Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Linux, and web (front and back ends).


Lack type safety.

Java, Go, Python, Ruby, C++, C, Elixir

Not great for frontend web dev.


Not great for Android or iOS.   Can build web apps via compiling to WASM (pretty sure it's experimental), but lack mature frameworks for frontend web dev.  Not very popularly used, unfortunately.


It's JavaScript but with a brilliant aftermarket type system retrofit. If you must code JS, then TS is a fantastic upgrade.

For backend, there's faster languages (Java, Go).  For device native apps, other languages are maybe better suited (Swift, Kotlin, etc).  Great choice for web frontend.

For frontend web dev, used with React is popular.  There's React Native to build device native apps for Macs, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS that uses platform native UI widgets (some haven't reached 1.0 yet though, if you're looking for maturity).  You'd still have to build 5 specialized UIs though (6 including web), and there are faster device native languages.


Compiles to JVM, JS, and native.  Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (alpha) is great for write-once application logic for iOS / Android native apps, but the UI code must be specialized for each platform (could still be written in Kotlin though).

e.g. Use with Google Android's Jetpack Compose (beta) and Apple's Swift UI for native Android and iOS UI.

e.g. Use with Jetbrains' Compose for Desktop to build apps for Windows, Macs, and Linux --- but this  runs on JVM and renders using Skia, so it doesn't use platform native UI widgets (it draws it's own like a game does).  And it's in alpha.

Some say Jetpack Compose is Google Android team's answer to Google Ads team's Dart/Flutter.

Kotlin/JS means you can use with React for frontend web dev too.  Not sure of its maturity.  Kotlin is great for backend using Spring or Ktor.


Not great for device native apps


Windows centric.  Blazor lets you do frontend web dev by compiling to WASM but it adds C#'s runtime to your web app to run in WASM as well (read: bigger, slower app).


Lower level, like C or C++.  Can build web apps via compiling to WASM, but without bringing a runtime along for the ride (check out Yew or Seed).  Can build backend stuff (check out Actix-web or Rocket), but frameworks aren't mature the way Django or RoR are.

Coding device native GUI apps is... not there yet.

Rust is getting a lot of traction for systems programming though (unlike D, unfortunately).


Basically exists for Flutter.  Flutter lets you build apps for Windows, Macs, Linux, iOS, Android, and the web.  On the web, it draws into a canvas.  On devices, it renders using Skia.  So it doesn't use platform native UI widgets anywhere, and draws it's own like a game does.  On the web, it's UI performance is a little janky.

Dart compiles to JS or runs on Dart VM.  Unlike the Kotlin stuff above, Flutter is production ready and being used by Google, notably by their Ads team (apparently some of the Kotlin stuff above are the Android team's answer to Flutter).

It's from Google, so who knows if they'll cancel it in 5 years time.

Other thoughts

Rendering to Skia like Compose for Desktop and Flutter is not great for accessibility, and their accessibility features are currently WIP.

React Native has edge cases for each platform so you'd still need to know each platform carefully.  Plus TypeScript / JavaScript bridging into native can have performance issues.

 Nothing's perfect.

That's all I've got time for today!

Missing: Scala, Clojure, Haskell, F#, Crystal, PureScript, Elm.